But now, Koa's been making some really good approximations for words that Martin and I both understand and we know he's using with purpose.
I can even start to list a few:
Mama (my favorite!)
Ses (for Sissy)
Dih (for Dini the Dog)
Dah (for dog)
Eeya (for ear)
Eeee- tuh (for eat)
Che (for chip... how he learned that one I'll never know)
Shhzzz (for shoes)
Pih (for Pig)
Peez (for Please)
There's a few others too that I know he can somewhat say, but I didn't want to list them or mark them off just yet, just because he's not consistent enough in using them. I wanted to make sure that the words I list (for progress and milestones sake) are words that we know without a doubt that he could say over and over again and know that what he's saying has actual meaning to what the word is.
He's getting there. Its still a journey, but he's definitely getting there.
P.S. Koa's also started to blow away some of our family members with how well he's been doing with the Kaufman cards (basic level)... if only I could get a video of it to post on here, that would make my day!! Unfortunately, Koa clams up as soon as he sees the camera. :( I'll get it though, stay tuned!!
Koa and Mommy, July 1

Just found your blog today and had to comment :) My son is 27 months and will have pop out phrases occasionally too...it makes us laugh because it can be so shocking to hear! I have heard my son (who still doesn't consistently say "Daddy") say 'crocodile' clear as day when playing with a crocodile little people figurine. It used to make me really sad when the words would disappear, but now it gives me hope. Those words are in there, and they will come out again :) All the hard work will come together for them!
ReplyDeleteHi! Is your son currently in speech therapy? I have to admit, Koa's come along, a lot further than I have ever thought, but he too has a outburst of words or phrases that still catch me off guard! :) But sometimes I'll sit in on his therapy sessions and hear him say some words that I have never, ever heard him say (such as "People" or "Money") but he says with precision with his therapist. Unfortunately, that's one aspect of Apraxia that can be so frustrating. You're right, the words ARE there, they just aren't always being used because its not usually just easy to use it. :( But our boys will come in their own time. Till then, I wish you all of the blessings for your son. He's still young and that is a great benefit for both of you. Starting with them young can only be beneficial!