I know that Koa has been working really hard here at home and at Lucid with his SLP... not to mention also during his EI sessions with his Regional Center teacher. The frustration has diminished, but I can see that at times he still gets upset because he really is telling us something, we just still can't decipher his sounds. But at the same time, Koa has also gotten really patient with having to repetitively try again and again in order to communicate what he's wanting or showing.
Auntie Kira, the amazing Auntie that she is, recognized all of that... even from 300 miles away. :)
In addition to a beautiful letter she sent him (and Mommy and Daddy too!) she also sent him a little reward for all of his hard work... a Superman t-shirt, to show to the rest of the world the superhero he really is.

Thank you Auntie Kira!!!! We love you so much!!!
I love it! Little Koa Man is a Superman indeed! And he is sooo lucky to have such a wonderful auntie like Auntie Kira :) So proud of you Koa boy!